Tuesday, March 22, 2011

aza part 2

Last year when I got home from choir tour in Arizona, I wrote down a list of things I learned there. (That is list can be found here: http://forapoint.blogspot.com/2010/04/aza.html...if you're strangely interested.) I just got back from Arizona again. And while I was only there a combined two days, I still learned things. And thought things. Anyway here are my reflections of sorts..

Firstly, I learned that it would be totally possible for me to live on the road. Driving and riding I am completely 100% content. But I also learned that I would not want to drive through Nebraska or New Mexico. Not very pretty. Ha, there's gotta be something wrong with me though. I drove to and from Texas not even two weeks ago and then went back for another 28 hours. I don't know what I'll do when I realize I don't have another road trip to look forward to. Drivespoiled. That's what I am.

Second is that I really love people. I get super self-conscious that I make bad impressions and I'm easily intimidated, but I'm learning that people love to be valued and appreciated. And it's a really cool thing to do the appreciating. God really does give people some pretty awesome talents and qualities. And I am so blessed to experience them.

It's okay to be lost. To run down twisty roads in the dark and to be a little afraid. It makes your appreciate being found. Hey, sometimes when you get found, you wish you were lost again. Being lost is important. It makes you think and figure stuff out. It makes you stop and be confused a bit. That's healthy. Consider. Determine. Act. Don't get stressed. You can't stay lost forever. Even if you never find your way back, you at least become familiar with your surroundings.

Kids are beyond cool, man. This five year old ball of energy reminded me how much joy there is in life. As much as I want to teach the big kids...I can't really imagine not having a kindergartener someday.

In other news:

851 is a very, very big number.

Reading is wonderful.

Dads are cool people.

Lizards and adventure are vital to life.

Self control is important.

Don't hate, appreciate! Especially when you don't know why you're mad.

God's rage is beautiful. Imagine what is love looks like. Obviously too profound to be my own thought.

Too much of anything can become exhausting.

Always. Always ask questions.

Take advantage of airplane conversations.

Deep breaths and smiling are key.

If you haven't noticed, I've gotten too lazy to expound on each of these.

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