Wednesday, February 16, 2011

stream of consciousness: random thoughts because i haven't blogged in awhile.

I've now been here in my new home for a month. I mean, I moved my things in (some anyway) one month ago yesterday. And I am 100% positive that I am happier today than I was on October the 6th of this year. So while I may go back and forth on this transferring thing sometimes and different things and ideas make me cringe and make me momentarily sad, this is a good thing. And this will continually get better. God is good. And He so beautifully provides.

Tonight I got to have a chat with an amazing woman about an amazing blessing. Marriage is cool. And it's so much more than the ideas I've always had.

Wow I can't stand living in filth. Holy holy cow. Today may have been my breaking point. All I want for my birthday is cleaning supplies. But even when I clean, it gets back to this awful state in about 3 hours. I can finally identify with my mother in this realm. And I need to figure out how to deal with it or I will eventually explode.

This is a weird thing to vocalize(or really typelize..)...but whatever. Lately I feel worth something. Not that I normally don't. But I am loved. And feeling good about myself is such a blessing.

And not to go back on thing one, but I do really really miss St. Peter. And Mankato.

I need to seek out more opportunity for hugs.

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